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All donations make a difference.

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No matter the size or type of donation, your tax-deductible gift provides food, resources, and meaningful programming to our neighbors in Mason County.

How can I make a monetary contribution?

Please make checks payable to:

Lakeshore Food Club

920 E. Tinkham Ave

Ludington, MI 49431

What is the importance of non-food donations?

Low-income families struggle to afford basic household necessities that are needed to maintain personal hygiene, household care and sense of self. Donated non-food essentials help families stretch their limited resources using those saved dollars to pay for other necessities like rent, utilities, or gas for a car. Also, SNAP benefits (Food Stamps) can only be used toward food. SNAP does not cover purchases of items like soap, shampoo, bathroom tissue, or diapers so these items are always in high-demand at pantries. 

A recent study, In Short Supply: American Families Struggle to Secure Everyday Essentials, released by Feeding America revealed coping strategies and spending trade offs used by low-income families struggling to afford basic necessities in the previous 12 months include:


• 39% of families reported brushing their teeth without toothpaste.

• 49% of families reported cutting back on medical expenses.

• 74% of families reported skipping washing dishes or doing laundry.

What is appropriate to donate?

Anything and everything is appreciated.

Personal Hygiene Products


Tooth paste

Toilet paper

Body Wash


Woman's Hygiene Products

Household Cleaning Supplies



Hand Soap

What is the value of donating money vs. food?

The Lakeshore Food Club can make your dollar go much further than it would at the grocery store. For every donated dollar, we are able to purchase $10 worth of food from Feeding America. So, a $10 donation allows Feeding America to distribute $100 worth of food!

Feeding America Partnership & Hunger Facts


Did you know?

Every dollar received can support the distribution of 4 meals. That’s 10 times more food than a dollar can buy at the grocery store.


If you want to have the biggest impact on hunger, a dollar goes a lot further than a can of food.


Did you know?

Right here in West Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, food insecurity (or “hunger”) affects 1 in 7 people. Among children, 1 in 5 are at risk of hunger.

Did you know?

Through Feeding America, a gift of $21 can feed a family of four for an entire week.

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